Sunday, April 24, 2011

About Time

I have been considering starting a blog for a long time, and have been putting it off for a long time, but finally here it is official! I have been using my facebook page as a way of posting pictures and sharing my photo adventures, but I have a feeling it's time for these adventures of my mine to find a more stable home in cyberspace. What all this blog will hold, I'm not totally sure. What it will all see, that is unknown to me. Perhaps it will see a little Guatemala and maybe even some Montana, but where ever this adventure leads us, Enjoy the Ride. 

Here are just a view of the things I have been loving lately. Drinking tea out of my vintage chicken/roster mug and my "song food" tin (which has made a nice little addition to my book shelf). The tin matches the decor in my room so perfectly and helps to add color to my shelf. The truth really is if it's old and has a bird on it I'm bound to love it!! 

1 comment:

  1. wooohooo! Loving the fact that you are starting a blog :D
