Wednesday, May 21, 2014


K A R I N A  +  V A L E N T I N 

w  e  d  d  i  n  g 

To have and the hold from this day forward, as long as we both shall live...

I first meet Karina in 8th grade, I believe it was in Mr. Landis's english class, or maybe it was 7th grade social studies where we first crossed paths. Either way we met in middle school. Karina for as long as I can remember has been such a kind soul. Her positivity, joyfulness, and great hair have always been qualities I've admired. So when she contacted me with the good news that she was engaged and wanted me to capture her wedding day, I was so very honored. It is a great honor to capture a wedding, and an even greater honor to be asked to capture the important moments of a junior high school friend. 

Karina and Valentin's wedding day was dripping with sunshine and rich in tradition. My favorite moment from the day was being with Karina before her groom came to see her for the first time on the their day. She was full of energy and a special kind of giddiness that can only be found in such a beautiful moment. Karina and Valentin choose to do a first look. I loved the way they planned it, very different from how I generally do first looks, but completely wonderful and so them. Karina and her bridesmaids waited in the living room of her parents home. While Valentin and the guys brought the girls their flowers, and when the two of them saw each other, words can not express the joy. The moment was filled with laughter, family, great food, and prayer. 

Karina & Valentin. Thanks so much for allowing me the honor of capturing your wedding day. It was marvelous. Many blessings to the two of you. Also a great big thank you to my awesome second shooter for the day Jessica. I couldn't have done it without her, and was so grateful for her willingness to help, and creative eye. 

Happy Wednesday ALL!

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