Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Tribute to the Graduating Class of 2014

Can you believe that it’s June? I can’t hardly, but I look forward to it with anticipation. With June comes many great things, strawberry picking, summer evening walks, beautiful weddings, and of course hopefully some time by the pool. What also comes to mind is graduation. There’s a lot of of nostalgic feelings that come to me, for whatever reason it could just be that this year my “baby” brother is graduating from high school. The last in our clan to step onto that platform and complete 13 years of formal education.

 This time of year always makes me think back to when I myself stood on that stage and how completely unaware I was of what was to come. What a beautifully terrifying season. The possibilities were endless as I stood before a blank canvas and knew not what to do with my life. I would imagine many graduating seniors feel the same as I did, or a least feel that small pinch of remorse as one door closes and others open.

I have had the honor of capturing many wonderful high school seniors this year, and I have been delighted to meet all of you, to hear your plans and dreams for the future, and to see your determination and wild youth before my camera. I can not even begin to express what an honor it is capture this season in your lives and hope that years down the road when you pull out your senior photos you will also be reminded of the spark that was in your eye and the determination in your heart. Here’s to you SENIORS! You are a awesome! May you be truly blessed in this season of your lives as you stand before a new path. May you learn from the past, work hard at all you do, and enjoy every moment of this life.

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