One of my favorite things about being in business is that I don’t have to do it alone. I get to work with my favorite person. Hugo is a huge part of making Janae Rose Photography what it is. He keeps us accountable to the goals we set, takes care of client emails, always provides comic relief, and he’s great with a camera. I feel so honored that I get to do something I love so much, but that fact that I get to do it with Hugo is kind of the icing on the cake. So in honor of this follow's awesomeness here are ten fun facts (written by myself) about him in no particular order.
1. Hugo has a wealth of names, four to be exact. Two first names and two last names.
2. He is skilled in the art of guacamole making.
3. He knows how to dream, and the best part is he not only dreams, but takes the steps to make his dreams realities.
4. His favorite book is the Bible and his second favorite is "Love Does" by Bob Goff.
5. He's not a cat person, or dog person, he's more of a turtle person...
6. His favorite futbol team (aka soccer for us American folk) is F. C. Real Madrid, and he hopes to one visit the Santiago Bernabeu to see them play, ( and I hope to go along with him.)
7. The man collects Hot Wheels. Lamborghini Hot Wheels to be specific, and his collection currently totals twenty-three, and if you would like to get him more I'm sure he would be delighted. ;)
8. Sudoku puzzles don't stand a chance against him.
9. His first job was at a cafe called San Lucas Cafe where he washed dishes and later became a barista.
10. He shoots on a canon 7D, and he is an incredible photographer. He's got a great idea for detail and always has my back. Anything I need he is right there for me.
Here's a photo of the man, himself!

♡ cookies!! He's a legend!