Tuesday, May 6, 2014


C E L E S T A   +   G R E G G 

W  E  D  D  I  N  G 

Every day holds a story. This day in particular holds a very dear one. This is the day that Celesta and Gregg vowed to stick together threw thick and thin, young and old, and for the rest of their lives. Putting each other first and loving with all their hearts. Celesta was radiant, and Gregg was looking very dapper himself, their hearts full of love ready to step into this glorious season. Their day was full of stunning detail, and family and friends who I could tell would do anything for this fine couple. 

Celesta has such an eye for beauty and her wedding day spoke volumes of this. The coral and mint details, the flower arrangements, and cafe lights all framed the beauty of this celebration of Gregg and Celesta choosing each other. Hugo can testify of my giddiness when we showed up to the reception, I lost track of how many times I said, "This is so beautiful!" 

Celesta & Gregg we felt oh so welcomed into your wedding day, and enjoyed every moment of capturing your first day as husband and wife. 

Happy Tuesday ALL!
Today is great.

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